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Astrodebata: Kelsey Glazer: Carbon at Cosmic Dawn

Kelsey Glazer
Kelsey Glazer (UC Davis) bo na tokratni astrodebati predstavila svoje raziskovanje galaksij v obdobju rekombinacije. Vabljeni v ponedeljek, 24. oktobra, ob 12:00 v predavalnico F3, pridružite se nam lahko tudi na Zoomu. Predavanje bo v angleščini!

Naslov: Carbon at Cosmic Dawn
Predavateljica: Kelsey Glazer (UC Davis)

Povzetek: Carbon at Cosmic Dawn is an on-going project that aims to study galaxies at the epoch of reionization. It investigates both stellar and neutral gas properties of four faint galaxies; all which are highly redshifted (z~7). We utilize ALMA and the prominent [CII] 158 μm line emission to probe these galaxies spectroscopically. In this talk I will present our preliminary results of [CII] measurements. We are able to measure [CII] line luminosities and upper limits and a velocity offset between Lyα and [CII], giving us properties of the epoch of reionization galaxies.

(Videoposnetek predavanja si lahko ogledate v arhivu videoposnetkov!)