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Astrodebata: Andrej Prša: PHOEBE: PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs

Vabljeni na Astrodebato in uvodno predavanje Phoebe delavnice, ki bo v ponedeljek, 19. junija, ob 9:00 v predavalnici F3! Astrodebata je tokrat združena z uvodnim predavanjem Phoebe delavnice, ki poteka od 19. do 23. junija v Ljubljani ( Predavanje bo v angleščini!

PHOEBE: PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs

Prof. dr. Andrej Prša (Univerza Villanova, ZDA)

PHOEBE: PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs is an advanced modeling code for single and binary stars. Its birth place, University of Ljubljana’s Department of Physics, with support from the National Science Foundation, is hosting a 5th annual workshop the week of June 19-23, 2023. In this introductory review I will talk about the road from humble beginnings, where PHOEBE started as a front-end to the venerable Wilson-Devinney code, to becoming one of the de-facto standards in stellar astrophysics. I will emphasize both the observational aspects and the modeling approaches to eclipsing binary data, and showcase some truly exceptional light curves from NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions.

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