V ponedeljek, 25. novembra bo imel Gregor Traven z Lund University, Švedska astrodebato z naslovom 4MOST – opportunities and challenges. Predavanje bo v predavalnici F6 ob 12. uri. Vljudno vabljeni!
4MOST – opportunities and challenges
Gregor Traven
Lund University, Švedska
One of the future large-scale spectroscopic surveys of the sky – 4MOST – is scheduled to begin observations in 2022. The project combines very diverse scientific interests and thus heralds an era where thousands of stars and galaxies can be observed simultaneously in a single exposure, which is a neccessity if we want to make the best possible use of the capabilities brought about by the high fibre multiplex designs. This, however, also poses a great challenge for optimisation of the observational strategy. I will give a brief overview of the 4MOST project with the focus on algorithms for the aforementioned optimisation, while also mentioning other activites in 4MOST that I participate in, and describing how you can join the project with your own science case as one of the Community sub-surveys.